This post is for Lush fans or bath lovers in general. However, if you're a bath lover but not a lush fan, I think you're weird. Lush bathbombs, bathmelts and bubble bars are heaven. Indulge.
This past weekend was a MAC weekend for me, so naturally I had to stop in Lush and stock up. There was so much new bombs/melts so many cool ones. This one is amazing!!! If you do not like glitter/sparkles/shimmer this is NOT for you!
What Lush blabs about:
"Crush this shimmering star under running water and watch as your bath turns a deep calming turquoise and the silvery luster spreads to create a magical, shimmering trail of starlight. Organic shea butter and extra virgin coconut oil leave your skin feeling oh-so-soft, while the zesty ginger, lavender and lime oil fragrance inspires imagination and positivity."
My take:
I didn't crush it under the running water as suggested. I plopped it into the bath and watched it spin around. That is just what I like to do because I am 27 going on 4. You can put it in however you want. I like to watch them melt. So first all the glitter bursts out everywhere and its fabulous. Under the glitter is more of a bath bomb type texture going on and it smells like those hand wipes they give you at restaurants (I am not complaining, I personally like it--that's just what it smells like in my opinion). In the center of the white fizzy star there is a blob of turquoise jelly like substance. I believe the gel is what is supposed to turn your bath that color (doi). They claim the smell is what sends the good vibes but for me I am almost positive it was the silver glitter specks EVERYWHERE. When I got out of the bath my body was COVERED in glitter <- this makes me happy! I got glitter all over my black leather couch <- even happier! The only thing that didn't make me happy was the gross silver ring it left around my tub. It was very easy to remove/clean, however. And hey, at least it was a ring of glitter.
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